I would just like to thank all my friends that have came and looked at my web site and the feed back i have been given.
As i said when i started this page i was doing it only as a way for me to let all my feelings out.
Since writting the story a few things have happened. First my nightmares seemed to go away. And i had a family memeber
come over and she read my story. After she read it she turned to face me and i could see the tears in her eyes and with that
she told me that the same thing had been done to her. We spent the next two days together just talking and crying finding
out what happened to each of us and coming to understand that the one person that abused her was also one of my men that abused
me. She thought my abuse was worse as mine was by four men and it ended with intercourse where her abuse never got that far.
I told her that no matter if it was intercourse or not we where both mistreated by them.
After talking to her my nightmares seemed to go away. and my life seemed great once again. But i should have known that
would not last that long. Some things started to happen which brought it all back and my nightmares started again.The more
i looked into my family the more i have found out.